Mária Ember (Ember Mária) (born April 19, 1931) Hungarian novelist, Holocaust survivor - Hajtűkanyar (Hairpin bend) (1974)
Read about Mária Ember here
Randolph Braham, Mária Ember Prize recipient, on Mária Ember here
[Minute 3:00]“I first came across Maria’s interest in the Holocaust by reading her Magamnak mesélem, that was published in 1968. It aroused my interest because it was one of the first Holocaust related works that was published during the Communist era — an era during which the Jewish Question in general and the Holocaust in particular were sunk in the Orwellian black hole of history. -- “I was particularly impressed six years later in 1974 when I read her sensational Hajtukanyar [Hairpin Bend], a trailblazing fictionalized biographical account. The work traces her horrendous experiences in the ghetto of Szolniki and in various camps in and around Strasshol, Austria, where she was deported in the summer of 1944 at the age of 13. Ember’s work became an instant bestseller. It was translated into several languages and clearly played an important role in starting, however slightly, an ever more daring dialogue about the horrors of the Nazi era in general and the tragedy of Hungarian Jews in particular.”
List of Maria Ember's books here
Watch "Discovering Mária Ember" conference - Part 1 (Hungarian language) here
Mária Ember speaks about her life and work (Hungarian language)

Etheridge Knight (born April 19, 1931) U.S. poet