Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (born December 23, 1896) Italian (Sicilian) novelist and essayist – Il Gatopardo (The Leopard)
Read more about Lampedusa and his novel, The Leopard, here

C.Y. (Chin Yang) Lee (黎錦揚; Lí Jǐnyáng) (born December 23, 1915) Chinese-American novelist - The Flower Drum Song (1957)
About The Flower Drum Song here
This charming, bittersweet tale of romance and the powerful bonds of family tells the story of Wang Ta, who wants what every young American man wants: a great career and a woman to love. Living in San Francisco’s Chinatown-with his widowed father, Old Master Wang, who misses the old way of life in China, and his younger brother, who just wants to be a normal American teenager-Wang Ta becomes involved with a series of women as he searches for love and the American dream.
Some early editions of Lee's The Flower Drum Song are pictured here
Honoring C.Y. Lee -- 100th birthday (2016)