Kevin Patterson (born December 27, 1964) Canadian novelist, short story writer, M.D. – News from the Red Desert (2016)
Read a 2007 interview of Kevin Patterson on his novel about Inuit culture here
Kevin Patterson on his novel News from the Red Desert

Mirza Ghalib (born December 27, 1797) Urdu-Persian poet
Ghazal: A sigh takes a lifetime …
A sigh takes a lifetime to show its results
To see your curls fixed up, who’d live long enough?
A hundred dragon mouths open in each ocean-wave’s net
To be a pearl, see what ordeals a droplet takes
Love asks for patience but desire takes no rest
What color shall I call my heart till it bleeds to death?
You won’t ignore me — I know that
— but when
The news reaches you, I’ll have turned to dust
Each dew drop knows death from the sun’s rays
I too will last only till you cast your glances at me
A single glance from you will bring my life to an end
As the warmth of the party fades with the last dance of sparks
Life is all suffering, Asad. Its cure is only death
The candle burns in many colors till the morning dawns
Read more about Mirza Ghalib here

Louis Bromfield (born December 27, 1896) U.S. author and conservationist