Ann-Helen Laestadius (born December 3, 1971) Swedish novelist and journalist – Stolen (2021)
Read more about Ann-Helen Laestadius here
A book review of Stolen by Ann-Helen Laestadius
Ann-Helen Laestadius talks about her novel Stolen (in Swedish) here

Alaíde Foppa de Solórzano (born December 3, 1914) Guatemalan / Argentinian poet, human rights activist – Las Palabras y el Tiempo (1979)

Joseph Conrad (Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) (born December 3, 1857) Polish/British novelist – Lord Jim
Read a 'top-ten' list of Conrad's writings here
Listen to a podcast about
Joseph Conrad

Boris A. Novak (born December 3, 1953) Slovenian poet, translator
Read three poems by Boris A Novak here
Boris A. Novak reads one of his poems (in Slovenian language)

Jean-Luc Godard (born December 3, 1930) French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard