February 5

Andrew Greeley

Andrew Greeley (born February 5, 1928) – U.S. novelist, sociologist, Catholic priest – Irish Tiger (2008)

Read about Andrew Greeley here and here

Visit Father Greeley's webpage:

Jermain Wesley Loguen

Jermain Wesley Loguen (born February 5, 1813) – U.S. activist against slavery – The Rev. J. W. Loguen, as a Slave and as a Freeman, a Narrative of Real Life (1859)

Read Loguen's autobiography online here and here

Read the letter Loguen wrote in 1860 (when he was age 47) to his former owner, Mrs. Sarah Logue, here

Jovan Ducic

Jovan Dučić (born February 5, 1871) – Bosnian Serb poet – Meeting (poem)

Read an English translation of the Serb language version of "Meeting / Сусрет" with translation help from Duya

Једне се ноћи беше срела One night
На једној зрачној стази, On a track in the air
Душа у небо што се пела, A soul that had climbed to the sky
И ангел што на свет слази. Met an angel descending to earth.
Ангел исприча причу сјајну The angel told a great story
Шта су небески врти, About heavenly gardens
А душа целе земље тајну: And the soul told the secret of the world:
Магију љубави и смрти. The magic of love and death.
И осмехну се ангел потом And the angel smiled
На царство вечних зрака; O'er the realm of everlasting rays;
Душа заплака за лепотом While the soul wept for the beauty
Игре светлости и мрака. Of the game of light and darkness