January 27

Eliette Abécassis

Eliette Abécassis (born January 27, 1969) – French novelist, historian, philosopher – Qumran (1996)

Read Éliette's thoughts on literature and today's writers (in French)


Approximate translation of an excerpt from the above link:

"I have a deeply rooted political consciousness because I was born into a family that has a spiritual awareness. My political consciousness is linked to questions of ethics, to beliefs, to the faith that my education awakened within me. Moreover, the study of the history of France has developed in me a strong attachment to the Republic.

I cannot separate participation from writing. Writing is always a revolt. It is linked to the idea of the good. In Les Miserables, Victor Hugo brings us a vision of society. It's not a question of writing a social commentary or a novel of enlightenment. In its essence it is militant literature because it arises from a denial of things such as they are, from an awareness that things could and should be otherwise.

It's a little discouraging to see that the words in a pop star's song have more impact than those of a writer! But if the writers of my generation don't have the status and aura of previous intellectuals, it is because they have done nothing to deserve it; they do not take hold of words, they no longer know how to; they have nothing to say on universal questions."

Mordecai Richler

Mordecai Richler (born January 27, 1931) – Canadian novelist, screenwriter, essayist – The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1959 – novel; 1974 – film)


Djavan (born January 27, 1949) – Brazilian singer/songwriter

Watch Djavan perform "Um Amor Puro" live


Watch the studio recording of "Palco"