Sully Prudhomme (Rene Francois Armand Prudhomme, born March 16, 1839) French poet, essayist, winner of the first Nobel Prize for Literature (1901)
Watch a description of Prudhomme's poem, The Broken Vase

Sid Fleischman (Albert Sidney Fleischman, born March 16, 1920) U.S. author of children's books, screenplays, novels for adults, and nonfiction books about stage magic.

Richard Matthew Stallman (born March 16, 1953) U.S. computer software designer, activist, essayist – The GNU Manifesto (1985)

James Madison (born March 16, 1751) U.S. President, contributing author to the U.S. Constitution – The Federalist Papers (with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay)
Search the Archive.org collection of James Madison papers here
Watch a short biography of
James Madison