Kate Webb (Catherine Merrial Webb) (born March 24, 1943) – New Zealand journalist / war correspondent – On the Other Side: 23 Days with the Viet Cong (1972)
Read the New York Times Magazine article about Kate Webb
Throughout that afternoon and night, the six of them crept through the wooded foothills of Cambodia’s Elephant Mountains, holding their breath as they stood within inches of chatting North Vietnamese soldiers. At 11:30 the next morning, tired, thirsty, their clothes and skin shredded by branches, they were crouching in the underbrush when they looked up to see two skinny North Vietnamese soldiers with AK-47’s. The soldiers bound Webb’s arms behind her back with wire, vine and tape and roped all of the captives together in a single line.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti (born March 24, 1919) U.S. poet – A Vast Confusion
Lawrence Ferlinghetti reads some of his poems