March 29

Andrija Maurović

Andrija Maurović (born March 29, 1901) Croatian illustrator, comic book author – Bride of the Sword (1935)

Read about Andrija Maurović here and here

Read the Ugled Magazine profile of Andrija Maurović

Andrija Maurović Poster


Vangelis (Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou, Greek: Ευάγγελος Οδυσσέας Παπαθανασίου, born March 29, 1943) Greek composer – Blade Runner (film score)

Read the biography of Vangelis

Listen to a BBC4 interview of Vangelis

Listen to the 2002  World Cup Anthem
composed by Vangelis

Lennart Meri

Lennart Meri (born March 29, 1929) Estonian history and travel writer, President of Estonia from 1992 to 2001 – Virmaliste väraval / At the Gate of Northern Light (1974)

Watch a description of the Lennart Meri Conference with a tribute to Lennart Meri
Lennart Meri Conference here