October 26

Shan Sa

Shan Sa (born October 26, 1972) French-Chinese novelist, poet, artist – The Girl Who Played Go

Visit the author's website https://www.shan-sa.com/en_bio

An interview (in French) with Shan Sa

Carlo Lucarelli

Carlo Lucarelli (born October 26, 1960) Italian crime fiction writer – The Day of the Wolf (Inspector Coliandro TV film series)

Read about the source for Lucarelli's crime fiction -- unsolved crimes in Iraly here

Carlo Lucarelli talks about his writing (Italian language)

Infinito 2017

Infinito 2017 (Marcellous Lamont Lovelace) (born October 26, 1975) – U.S. poet, artist

Visit the Infinito website https://infinito2017.wixsite.com/my-site

Infinito 2017 - Day Of Questions