Dmitry Muratov (born October 30, 1961) Russian journalist, editor, 2021 Nobel Peace Prize – Novaya Gazeta (newspaper)
Read more about Dmitry Muratov here and here
Dmitry Muratov's Nobel Prize speech
Listen to an interview with Muratov speaking about the Ukraine war here

Robert Caro (born October 30, 1935) U.S. journalist, biographer – The Years of Lyndon Johnson

Louis Malle (born October 30, 1932) French filmmaker, screenwriter

Marcello Gagliani Caputo (born October 30, 1974) Italian journalist, writer specializing in European football (Juventus) and film – Guide to the Cinema of Stephen King (2016)
The Goodreads page for Marcello Gagliani Caputo here