April 1

Kawakami Hiromi

Kawakami Hiromi (born April 1, 1958) Japanese fiction writer

Read more about Kawakami Hiromi here

Milan Kundera

Milan Kundera (born April 1, 1929) Czech-French novelist – The Joke (1967)

Read more about Milan Kundera

Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle (born April 1, 1961) U.K. singer

Watch Susan Boyle sing "I dreamed a dream" on Britain's Got Talent (2009)

Edmond Rostand

Edmond Rostand (born April 1, 1868) French playwright, poet – Cyrano de Bergerac

Read about Edmond Rostand here

Read online Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac

John Wilmot

John Wilmot (2nd Earl of Rochester) (born April 1, 1647) British poet

Read "The Restoration's filthiest poet (and why we need him)"
by Ed Simon

"His verse was so scandalous his complete works weren’t compiled until the early twentieth century. Even then, many of his lyrics were deleted, lest academic publishers find themselves charged with obscenity."