July 27

Hilde Domin

Hilde Domin (born July 27, 1909) German poet - Das Gedicht als Augenblick von Freiheit / Poetry as a Moment of Freedom

Read more about Hilde Domin here

Watch a German language video about Hilde Domin

Elizabeth Hardwick

Elizabeth Hardwick (born July 27, 1916) U.S. essayist, novelist, co-founder of the New York Review of Books - Seduction and Betrayal: Women and Literature (1974)

Read a 1985 interview of Hardwick here

Watch a panel discussion of Hardwick's essays

Bobbie Gentry

Bobbie Gentry (born July 27, 1944) U.S. country music singer/songwriter - Ode to Billy Joe

Watch Bobbie Gentry perform Ode to Billy Joe