July 29

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (born July 29, 1956) Indian-American writer - The Forest of Enchantments (2019)

Visit Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni website

Read excerpts from The Forest of Enchantments here

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni dicusses her novel The Forest of Enchantments

Chester Himes

Chester Himes (born July 29, 1909) U.S. crime fiction novelist

Read more about Himes here

Read the Authors Calendar biography of Himes here

Chester Himes' books were very popular in France, shown

Ruud Janssen

Ruud Janssen (born July 29, 1959) - Netherlands artist/writer specializing in Mail Art

Read more about Janssen here

Visit one of the Mail Art websites

Nathalie Handal

Nathalie Handal (born July 29, 1969) American Palestinian poet, playwright - Love and Strange Horses (2010)

Visit Nathalie Handal's website https://www.nathaliehandal.com/

Watch Handal talk about Palestinian-Israeli coexistence
and read her poetry