Salvador Novo (born July 30, 1904) Mexican poet, playwright, essayist - Mi Vida Es Como Un Lago
Read some of Novo's poems (in Spanish) here
Read an English translation of Novo's poem
"I Think, in These Hours, of You, My Love"
My Life Is Like a Silent Lake
Mi vida es como un lago taciturno. / My life is like a silent lake.
Si una nube lejana me saluda, / If a far-off cloud salutes,
si hay un ave que canta, si una muda / If a bird sings, if a mute
y recóndita brisa / and distant breeze
inmola el desaliento de las rosas, / sacrifices the dejection of the roses,
si hay un rubor de sangre en la imprecisa / if there is a blush upon the uncertain
hora crepuscular, / twilight hour,
yo me conturbo y tiendo mi sonrisa. / I am moved and tend to show my smile.
¡Mi vida es como un lago taciturno! / My life is like a silent lake!
Yo he sabido formar, gota por gota, / I have known how to make, drop by drop,
mi fondo azul de ver el Universo. / my blue depths see the universe.
Cada nuevo rumor me dio su nota, / Each new murmur has given me its tone,
cada matiz diverso / each diverse shade
me dio su ritmo y me enseñó su verso. / has given me its rhythm and taught me its line.
Mi vida es como un lago taciturno…. / My life is like a silent lake…
[Translation help from wordreference forum members Alicatado, Sprachliebhaber, and Aztlaniano – thank you very much!]
Watch a short documentary in Spanish about
Salvador Novo

Emily Jane Brontë (born July 30, 1818) British novelist, poet - Wuthering Heights
Read more about Emily Jane Brontë
Listen to Emily Brontë's poem Mild Mist Upon the Hills

Barbara Kopple (born July 30, 1946) U.S. documentary filmmaker - American Dream (1990)
Read more about Kopple here
Watch a video about Kopple's 1976 Oscar-winning film
Harlan County U.S.A.