Tova Friedman (born September 7, 1938) Polish Holocaust survivor - The Daughter of Auschwitz (2022)
Read more about Tova Friedman
Tova Friedman describes her experience in the German death camps

Reyna Grande (born September 7, 1975) xx (xx)
Read more about Grande here

(Janet) Taylor Caldwell (born September 7, 1900) British-American novelist – Captains and the Kings
Visit the Taylor Caldwell website

Jennifer Egan (born September 7, 1962) U.S. novelist and short story writer - Manhattan Beach (2017)
Read about Jennifer Egan on her website
Jennifer Egan describes her experiences that led to becoming a writer here
Jennifer Egan gives a short class on creativity for writing fiction

Houshang Moradi Kermani (born September 7, 1944) Iranian novelist and short story writer (young adult books); screenwriter – Stories of Majid

Elia Kazan (born September 7, 1909) U.S. theater director, filmmaker – Elia Kazan: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers) (2000, Editor William Baer)
Read a 1969 interview with Elia Kazan
Elia Kazan accepts the Academy Award for best director (1955)