Robyn Davidson (born September 6, 1950) Australian “life” writer – Tracks (1979)
Read more about Davidson here

Sergio Aragonés (born September 6, 1937) – Spanish-American cartoonist, comic book author – Groo: The Hogs of Horder (2010)
Read a 2014 interview with Sergio Aragonés
Watch a short video of Aragones cartoons

Edward Einhorn (born September 6, 1970) U.S. playwright, children’s book author – A Very Improbable Story: A Math Adventure (2008)
Visit Edward Einhorn's website
Einhorn leads a panel discussion on science fiction in theater

Christopher Brookmyre (born September 6, 1968) Scottish novelist - Fallen Angel (2019)

Robert Maynard Pirsig (born September 6, 1928) philosopher, novelist (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, 1974)